Root Beer Moonshine

BethJeff77 @cook_2734813

This is my new favorite. Used 150 proof moonshine for this batch. plenty strong.

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  1. 10 cup water
  2. 3 cup Sugar
  3. 1/4 cup Brown sugar
  4. 4 cup Moonshine
  5. 4 tbsp Root beer extract
  6. 1 tbsp Pure vanilla exyract

Cooking Instructions

  1. 1

    Warm water to just boiling, add sugars, take off heat and Cool, Add flavorings and moonshine. Enjoy.

  2. 2

    I used a little extract Root beer extract. So taste it and decide for yourself.


Comments (7)

Leslie Hemby
Leslie Hemby @cook_19820937
fixing to make it. but them I'm going to cold distill it and see what I come up with

Written by

BethJeff77 @cook_2734813
Sensitive and sweet. I find cooking and baking therapeutic. It's my counsellor . Rewarding. Living life one day at a time. Looking forward to moving this fall. Good bye snow forever.
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